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AR Zoo beta

License: Free
Price: Free

Virtual 3D animal models appearing over markers
Mobile Augmented Reality demo with Microsoft's High Capacity Color Barcodes

Use: Print out the file zoo_markers.pdf in color to get the markers on top of which the 3D models will be rendered.

Studierstube Tracker (StbTracker) is a computer vision library for detection and pose estimation of 2D barcodes. It is a successor to the well-known ARToolKitPlus library. Its concept is very similar to that of ARToolKit, ARToolKitPlus and ARTag, however, its code base is completely different. StbTracker has been written from scratch with high performance for PCs as well as mobile phones in mind. Hence, its memory requirements are very low (100KB) and processing is fast (e.g. 185 images / sec can be tracked with "simple Id" markers on a 312 MHz smartphone).


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