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APOD Astronomy Picture of the Day Browser v0.56

License: Free
Price: Free

The APOD browser is simple software for the purpose of quering NASA fantastic, unparalleled Astronomy Picture of the Day site. This tool allows searching the site by date, by a keyword or by the site editor's choice. A online connection is required for this application to work.

How to Use:
You can query APOD in basically three modes:

1. By Date
Select a date to view the APOD of that date. Since the first APOD image was presented on June 16, 1995, the calendar is limited to between June 16, 1995 and Today.

2. By Keyword
Enter a keyword of your choice and tap on [Search]. Make sure to avoid too common keys, such as 'moon', 'planet', etc. This would result in too many hits, since each occurance of that search string in APOD's texts will be output as result and is often not related to what you wish to explore.

3. By Choice
This mode searches the editor's choices for the most educational Astronomy Pictures of the Day. Simply select an item from the combo box. Each choice yields three to five hits as so well selected by the authors of APOD.

Pocket PC 2003

Mirror 1