Many Action, Adventure, Arcade, Board, Card, Emulators, Strategy, Puzzle, Racing Game will be found here with other software types such as Audio, Backup, Battery, Browser, Calculator, Calendar, Chat, Clock, Communication, Contact, Converter, Countdown, Currency, Diary, Dictionary, Display, E-Mail, Enhancement, Explorer, Financial, GPS, Health, Keyboard, Mail, Map, Medical, Music, Navigation, News, Note, Painting, Phone, Picture, Reader, shooting, SMS, Software, Sport, Stocks, Task, Utilities, Video, Weather, Wireless

Notepad v1.00

Price: Free

This program is a Notepad for Pocket PC like Windows Notepad for PC. This program can open and save ANSI, Unicode, Unicode big ending, and UTF-8 files.

Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1, 6.5, .Net Compact Framework 2.0

Mirror 1