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MathU Pro v4.2

Price: Free

MathU Pro is a state-of-the-art programmable Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) scientific and financial calculator for Windows Mobile handheld computers. It is made for professionals like you. With MathU Pro, you can harness the numerical power of the Windows Mobile handheld computer to solve your computational problems.

• Full set of scientific functions
• Integrated time value of money (TVM) financial functions
• Powerful equation solver and root finder
• Programs are written in an easy to learn keystroke-like language. Any entry point in a program can be assigned to a key on the keyboard.
• Quickly switch between programs via a popup menu on the main screen.
• Drag & drop programming in the editor.
• Visual debugger.
• Assign your program functions to any key on the keyboard.
• Popup list of all the built-in functions on main keyboard
• Double precision accuracy.
• Supports high resolution devices and devices with square screens
• 16 element stack
• 119 built-in functions (including 5 financial functions and 8 statistical functions)
• 1044 memory registers (20 are global and 1024 are persistent and local to each program).
• Programs can contain up to 32000 lines, 255 labels, 255 strings (for CONST and SHOW) and can access up to 1024 variables, 20 global registers and the 16 element stack.

What's new in Version 4.2:
MathU Pro 4.2.0 adds a new layouts for tall, wide and landscape devices. The menu fonts have also been increased to make them easier to select using your finger. A minor bug was also fixed in the AND, OR, and XOR functions when acting on negative numbers, the functions now correctly truncate to the chosen wordsize.

Requirements : WM5.WM6.5

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